INTECOCIS plenary presentation at the APS meeting in San Francisco
Thermoacoustics will be the main topic of the presentation given by Dr T. Poinsot during one of the eight plenary sessions of the next American Physical Society meeting ( in San Francisco (November 23rd-25th). This is a great opportunity to show some of the achievements reached during the first 18 months of the project.
Three PhD defenses on thermoacoustics and combustion noise in November
Three PhD defenses focusing on numerical tools for thermoacoustics and combustion noise will take place at CERFACS in November 2013:
- Emmanuel Motheau (SNECMA/CERFACS) and Pablo Salas (INRIA/CERFACS) will present their PhDs on thermoacoustic solvers (AVSP) on November 15th (see calendar). The two jurys will gather Pr Saad (Uni. of Minnesota), Pr Schuller (EM2C, Ecole Centrale Paris), Pr Morgans (Imperial College), Pr Hochgreb (Cambridge), Pr Nicoud (Montpellier), Pr Meerbergen (Leuven), Dr Larroya (SNECMA), Dr Cazalens (SNECMA), Dr Giraud (INRIA) and Dr Poinsot (IMFT - CNRS).
- Ignacio Duran (SNECMA/CERFACS) will present his work on combustion noise on November 25th at 2.30 (see calendar). The jury will be: Pr C. Tam (Florida State), Pr C. Bailly (LMFA), Pr S. Moreau (Sherbrooke), Dr Bake (DLR), Dr Giauque (ONERA), Dr Sensiau (SNECMA).
These studies are directly linked to the ERC INTECOCIS and have paved the way towards efficient analytical and numerical methods for combustion instabilities and noise. Among the topics which will be discussed:
- Wave propagation through nozzles, turbines
- Efficient algorithms for acoustic computations in realistic configurations (annular combustion chambers)
- Nozzle impedances required for thermoacoustics computation and indirect noise simulations
- Extension of thermoacoustic codes to situations where mixed modes occur (convectively controlled)
- Combustion instabilities in propulsion systems
- And more...
All persons interested in listening to presentations can contact directly the CFD secretary at CERFACS (labadens @
Abstracts of the three PhDs are available here.
The MUSAF II Colloquium will be organized on 18-20 September 2013 by CERFACS at CIC (International Conference Centre) Météo-France, Toulouse. More than 170 researchers have already registered.
Topics include full aircraft computations, rotorcraft, turbomachinery flows, reacting flows, thermo-acoustics, noise, heat transfer or aeroelastic predictions.Plenary lectures will be given by
- Prof. S. LELE, Stanford University,
- Dr. L. TICHY, DLR,
- Pr. S. CANDEL, EM2C - Centrale Paris,
- Pr. P. G. TUCKER, University of Cambridge,
- Pr D. J. MAVRIPLIS, University of Wyoming and
- Pr G. IACCARINO, Stanford University.
See full programme here.
INTECOCIS Kick-off day in Toulouse: May 30th
The kick-off meeting of INTECOCIS will take place at Institut de Mécanique des Fluides De Toulouse (Nougaro amphitheatre) on May 30th. The program of the meeting is:
9h: Introduction by IMFT director
9h30: Conference by Pr S. Candel (Laboratoire EM2C, Paris) on combustion instabilities
11h00: INTECOCIS presentation by T. Poinsot et L. Selle (IMFT)
11h30: Simulation tools used in INTECOCIS. G. Staffelbach (CERFACS)
12h00: High Performance Computing in France and Europe. C. Rivière (GENCI/PRACE)
CRCT day in Paris 27 of March 2013
The meeting of CRCT took place at IFP Energie Nouvelles on March 27th. The next one will be in Ecole Centrale in 2014.